A Simple Weight Loss Tips

simple weight loss tips

These weight loss tips are just a few of the hundreds of sensible strategies to help you lose weight, feel great and get the body you've always wanted. Weight loss doesn't require a huge amount of time or money. In fact, small changes to your daily habits like drinking more water can help you reach your dream body quicker than you ever thought possible.

If you live a well balanced lifestyle and focus on your all aspects of your health including body, mind and spirit, you will achieve your goals much quicker than if you just obsess about diet and weight loss. Remember that successful weight loss requires a change in lifestyle. It's a way of life. Think progress, not perfection, and you will be more likely to succeed!

1.Exercise to Feel Great

Exercise is the number one most important weight loss tip to help you burn through a mountain of fat. Try these sensible exercise tips so you get in shape, lose weight and feel good about yourself again.

* If you have time for regular exercise, select an activity that you enjoy. There are so many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, bike, dance, swim, rollerblade or join the local YMCA or health club.

* The key is to stay active no matter what exercise you choose.

* Listen to high energy workout music with a strong, steady beat. Research shows that  phrases like "push it" and "you can do it" are subconscious motivators to keep your workout going strong.

* Workout with a partner who is in as good a shape as you are.

* According to a Fitness Survey, 80 percent of people said they are more likely to exercise if they have a workout partner.

* But if you don't have time to get to the gym, use every opportunity throughout the day to move your body and expend calories.

* Get in the habit of walking around your neighborhood or around your office complex after lunch to burn calories and boost metabolism.

* When standing in line at the store, instead of getting impatient, use this opportunity to flex your muscles. Squeeze your abs and buttocks several times to keep the muscles toned. This is one of the easiest of the weight loss tips and effective as well!

* Stand up to stay slim! Standing activates more muscles in your legs which increases the activity of a fat blasting enzyme by 90 percent! Stand when talking on the phone, tap your toe, bounce your foot or fidget in your seat at work to burn more calories each day.

* Researchers at the Mayo Clinic call this type of energy expenditure "non exercise activity thermogenesis" or N.E.A.T. and say that it's just as important as formal exercise when it comes to weight loss.

* When shopping, stop searching for the parking spot closest to the door. Park far away and walk the extra distance. All the additional walking will add up over time.

2. Drink Ice Water to Curb Appetite

If you are serious about getting a great bikini body, then drink ice water. Studies show that drinking water promotes weight loss and can help you reach your weight loss goals faster than you ever thought possible.

* As soon as you begin to feel hungry, drink a glass of water. 

* Water helps fill up the stomach which makes you feel less hungry. This is the easiest weight loss tip that really works!

* According to research at Virginia Tech, dieters who drank two glasses of water before each meal lost an average of 16 pounds over a three month period.

* Drink ice cold water for even more energy and calorie burn.

* The reasoning is that it takes energy for the body to warm up the cold water before it can be digested resulting in more calories burned.

* Add lemon or cucumber slices to water if you are having withdrawal from your normal soda or other sugary drinks.

* Beverages like Gatorade are designed to replenish electrolytes and carbohydrates lost through endurance exercise like long distance running. So if you are drinking Gatorade at any other time, you could be sabotaging all the calories just burned during exercise.

3. Eat Smarter to Cut Calories

You will lose more weight and see faster results if you combine exercise with a smart eating plan to curb your appetite and maintain steady blood sugar levels. Eat small meals four or five times throughout the day to keep your metabolism high and the body in fat burning mode.

Try these smart eating tips to boost metabolism and burn more calories so you can lose weight and feel great.

* Begin your day with protein. UCLA studies show that starting your day with chicken, eggs or other protein instead of carbs can double your energy and lower fatigue. 

* Eat for energy, including more organic foods that come from nature.

* Focus on fresh fruits and vegetables with each meal. This is an essential weight loss tip.   

* Consume blueberries, raspberries and strawberries, oranges and kiwi for healthy vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants.   

* Control portions and remember to consume no more food than the size of your fist at any one meal. Larger portions means more calories which makes it difficult to lose weight.

4. Keep Track of Your Weight

Keeping track of your weight is one of the easiest and most effective quick weight loss tips to do every day. The actual amount you weigh is not as important as noticing a five pound weight gain - or a five pound weight loss - which means congratulations are in order!

Keep Track of Your Weight Loss with A New Digital Scale

* Treat yourself to your favorite food once a week whatever it may be in order to put the cravings to rest, but be sensible.

* Avoid white flour foods such as white pasta, white bread and white rice. 

* Remember this quick weight loss tip: If it's white and fluffy it will make you puffy! Discover more easy weight loss tips here.

* Studies show that those who eat the most whole grains have less body fat, especially belly fat.

* Most whole grains are complex carbs that tend to have higher fiber content which keeps you feeling fuller longer. 

* Avoid carbohydrates after a workout unless you want to gain weight.   

* New findings show that a protein drink or non fat milk after exercise helps stabilize insulin and blood sugar levels and helps repair muscle tissue. 

* These tips for weight loss are common sense strategies to keep your refrigerator and pantry stocked with healthy snacks.

Tracking your weight over the holidays is especially important in order to fight holiday weight gain. Consider investing in a bathroom scale. It is a good habit to know how much you weigh.

Shop the newest weight loss scales if you are serious about taking control of your health starting now!

These digital scales calculate body fat, body water, body muscle and bone mass using new technology to help you understand your overall body fitness level.

Studies show that dieters who weighed themselves at least once a week lost more weight than those who didn’t.

* According to the University of Minnesota, using a scale is just as important for maintaining your weight as it is for the initial weight loss. 

* Weigh yourself at the same time each day. The best time is as soon as you wake up in the morning after visiting the bathroom.

* This is a very important quick weight loss tip if you are trying to lose unwanted weight.

* Research shows that those who stepped on the scale every day lost more weight than those who did not weigh themselves daily.

* Those who weighed themselves every day after successfully losing weight were about 12 to 18 pounds lighter than those who did not monitor their weight regularly.


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