Belly fat loss diet - It's important to lose belly fat because less belly fat equals less hunger! This is because fat cells in the belly release a hormone that sends hunger signals to the brain. So the fewer abdominal fat cells you have the less hungry you feel.
What is the best way to lose belly fat?
According to German researchers, high intensity cardio activity like running will help you lose belly fat first. In addition to slimming your waistline, cardio intervals can lower your risk of heart disease and reduce bad cholesterol - both linked to higher levels of visceral fat.
Visceral fat is not just a flabby annoyance but a very dangerous risk to your health. This is the fat deep in the body that surrounds the vital organs. In addition to high intensity cardio exercise and the tips presented below, here is another tip to help reduce belly fat that you can do at any time of day whether standing, walking or sitting. Use this opportunity to take control of your weight and lose belly fat for good!
1. Drink green tea
Drink three cups of green tea a day to boost your metabolism, burn more calories and lose belly fat.
• Scientific study has proven that there is a link between green tea and weight loss.
• A study in the Journal of Nutrition found that exercisers who drank four cups of green tea a day for 4 months lost over eight times more belly fat than those who drank other beverages.
• The extra fat burn can help you lose three pounds a year just by drinking green tea every day.
• It may not seem like a lot of weight, but would you rather be three pounds lighter or three pounds heavier at the end of the year?
• According to another study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, green tea contains a compound known as Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) which makes it easier for the body to burn fat.
• Green tea also contains healthy phytonutrients that may help speed up the breakdown of fat as well.
2. Consume More Vitamin C
A little vitamin C makes a big difference. Researchers at Arizona State University discovered that vitamin C is a powerful nutrient that can build stamina and melt the muffin top because the amount of vitamin C in your blood stream is related to the body's ability to burn fat for fuel, both at rest and during exercise.
* Vitamin C is essential for the production of L-carnitine, an amino acid that helps turn fat into usable energy.
* Consuming oranges helps keep blood sugar levels steady which can combat unwanted weight gain and obesity.
* Higher levels of vitamin C lower the storage of fat by the body making it easier for you to lose weight.
* New research shows that vitamin C helps return the stress hormone cortisol to normal levels following a stressful situation which helps prevent belly fat storage.
* Consume foods rich in vitamin C such red bell peppers, broccoli, oranges and other citrus fruits.
3. Add Intervals and Weights
When you walk with weights, you will also build more muscle and increase your metabolism.
* Lifting weights helps the body burn more calories and can even keep the calories burning while you are at home sitting on the couch.
* Canadian scientists found that when you combine strength training with interval exercise, you can burn up to eight times more fat than if you just did toning exercise only.
* According to research from the University of Virginia, women who added three high intensity intervals to their regular exercise routine lost an average of two inches from their waist over a period of four months.
* The same research showed that the women who maintained their regular cardio pace, lost only half an inch from the midsection.
* The reason is because intervals significantly boost calorie burn and are one of the best ways to lose belly fat fast.
4. Eat More Fiber
Flush away body fat with an increase in fiber. A high fiber diet helps flush out stubborn body fat. Fiber traps fat molecules in the gastrointestinal tract and moves them out of the body which is important because fat on the body is like a tumor. One of the best sources of soluble fiber can be found in pears. Pears have especially high levels of a kind of fiber called pectin which is known to help promote weight loss.
A study in the Journal Obesity reported that for every 10 gram increase in soluble fiber, belly fat is reduced by almost 4 percent. Soluble fiber helps fight the dangerous visceral fat that surrounds the internal organs and is linked to heart disease and diabetes.
Fiber speeds up weight loss in other ways too...
• According to research at the USDA Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center in Maryland, fiber can block at least 135 calories from being absorbed by the body each day.
• Another study showed that participants who increased their intake of soluble fiber by 10 grams a day reduced belly fat by almost four percent over the five year study period.
• A great way to add more fiber to your diet is to consume an energy greens smoothie with additional flax seed.
• Add more fiber to your diet.
5. Alter Your Diet
Consume more foods that have significant fat burning power such as:
1. Apple
• Eat an apple - or two - a day to lose more fat.
• This is according to a new study at Florida State University that showed women who ate one to two apples per day lost more than three pounds in six months while doing nothing else about their diet or activity level.
• Apples are a great source of soluble fiber called pectin that fills you up while also blocking the absorption of cholesterol. The women in the study also lowered LDL cholesterol.
• Studies show that when you replace unhealthy fats with monounsaturated fats, you can lose belly fat without making significant adjustments to your calorie intake.
2. Omega 3 Fats
• Consume omega-3 fats to help fight fat storage in the abdominal area.
• Good sources of healthy fats to help you lose belly fat can be found in foods such as olive oil, flaxseed, salmon and walnuts.
3. Vinegar
• Try adding some vinegar to your diet.
• Japanese researchers found that vinegar contains acetic acid which helps the body produce enzymes that help break down body fat, reducing fat accumulation in the belly by up to ten percent.
• Women who participated in a study at Arizona State University consumed two tablespoons of vinegar per day by adding it to salads or even mixing it with honey and water and lost up to one pound a week without dieting or exercising.
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