Three Week Cleansing Diet Tips

cleanse diet
A cleansing diet can transform your life by getting rid of the toxins in your body that make you feel exhausted, bloated and sluggish. A cleansing diet can help you regain your energy, reduce cellulite, improve your skin tone and lose a significant amount of body fat.  

Why A Cleansing Diet Is Important

A nutritious diet that is high in fiber and antioxidants from fresh fruits and vegetables will improve the body's natural cleansing process. But once in a while, we need to do something special to eliminate more toxins.
The average person has hundreds of chemicals and toxins stored in body fat that can make weight loss difficult, if not impossible. These toxins are absorbed from food, air, water and contact with various products that we use every day. 
Avoiding exposure to these chemicals toxins and efficiently eliminating them through a high fiber diet and periodic detox cleanses can support weight loss and improve your overall health and vitality.

Cleansing Diet Kits

Consider one of the following cleansing kits as an alternative to following the three week cleansing diet described below.

Three Week Cleansing Diet

A cleansing diet three to four times a year will lower toxins in the body. If you are feeling sluggish, tired and bloated, consider the following three week cleansing diet to stay healthy and energized for years to come.

Week 1

During the first week of the cleansing diet, the goal is to increase your antioxidant levels by consuming fresh fruits and vegetables every day. This can include freshly squeezed fruit juice and vegetable juice. 

It is also recommended to take the following antioxidant supplements: 

Vitamin C - 1 to 2 g daily, less if diarrhea occurs

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that boosts immunity, promotes healing and maintains tissue health. It is also an excellent fat burner. The body needs vitamin C to produce carnitine, an important compound that helps turn fat into fuel. Vitamin C is easy to obtain from foods such as oranges, strawberries, red bell peppers, leafy greens and broccoli. 

Vitamin E - 400 IU daily

Vitamin E is another important antioxidant that can help slow the aging process, and protect against cancer, heart disease and cataracts. Vitamin E also appears to strengthen the immune system, improve circulation, speed healing and reduce inflammation. Food sources include spinach, most nuts, whole grains, wheat germ, dried sunflower seeds and safflower oil.

Resveratrol - 300 mg daily

This powerful antioxidant has been shown to protect the body's mitochondria or energy cells from the damaging effects of oxidative stress. This increases the mitochondria's ability to break down fat into usable fuel for the body. Some research shows that resveratrol may also have a positive affect on blood sugar levels and fat cell formation. 

Alpha lipoic acid - 350 mg daily

Alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant superpower worthy of serious consideration. It is a substance that must be available in sufficient quantities to obtain the antioxidant benefits. Increasing the amount of alpha lipoic acid through dietary supplementation provides benefits beyond its involvement in carbohydrate metabolism. Alpha lipoic acid helps to take the toxins out of the body thereby improving overall health.

Week 2 and 3

Continue eating and drinking fresh fruit and vegetables daily. To release chemical compounds stored in body fat, consider spending 15 minutes a day in an infrared sauna or include 30 minutes of intense exercise daily to break into a sweat. 

To further enhance the detoxification process, take the following additional supplements: 

Fiber supplements - 5 g in the morning and 5 g in the evening

A cleansing detox without fiber means the toxins get reabsorbed into your system. So it is essential to consume adequate amounts of cleansing fiber which binds to toxins and transports them out of the body as part of the detoxification process. Fiber also helps stabilize appetite, speeds the movement of fat cells through the intestinal tract and can even block some calories from being absorbed by the body.

Milk Thistle - 300 to 400 mg daily

Milk thistle is an antioxidant and also has anti-inflammatory properties. It contains silymarin, a key substance that helps the liver repair itself and protect against damage from toxins. The phytosome form of milk thistle should be taken because it is absorbed most effectively.

Curcumin - 750 mg twice daily

Curcumin is the active ingredient found in the Indian spice turmeric that has long been used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine to support healthy function of the liver. If you like chicken curry or cook your foods with turmeric, you are already receiving the health benefits of curcumin.

Protein - 12 to 15 g daily

Consume protein in the form of whey protein or vegetarian protein powder mixed with water once a day between meals. The amino acids found in these protein powders are easy to assimilate and are used to produce enzymes needed by the liver to cleanse and detoxify.

NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) - 300 mg daily

NAC is a form of the amino acid cysteine which is a precursor of the production of glutathione, an important part of the body's natural antioxidant system that helps the liver remove toxins.

Magnesium hydroxide 

If you experience constipation, take a laxative containing magnesium hydroxide. The compounds in magnesium hydroxide work by drawing water into waste material in the bowel rather than acting as a stimulant which can irritate the bowel.




Crucial Things To Consider in Diet Plan for High Blood Pressure

Diet Plan for High Blood Pressure
Diet is one of the effective solutions for people with high blood pressure. Doing diet without knowing the details can be dangerous, So what kind of healthy diet plan can you do to control high blood pressure? Check the information below to know it.

Lowering Sodium Intake 
The idea of choosing food with a low level of sodium means that you have to reduce or stop the use of salt. Your body only needs ¼ teaspoon of salt per day. Too much sodium affects fluid balance, blood volume, and blood pressure in the body. Start to reduce consuming fast food because it is the source of sodium. The best way to choose low sodium products is by reading the labels when you shop. 

Increasing Potassium Intake 
You have to increase potassium intake while lowering sodium intake. The more balance the potassium level in your body, the more stable your blood pressure level. Potassium works to counter the effect of sodium. Finding products with a high potassium level is easy today. Most fruits and vegetables are the source of potassium, such as avocado, dried apricots, baked potatoes with skin, white beans, dark leafy greens, and many more. You can also consume other foods, including salmon and yogurt.
Choosing the Right Dairy Products 
Only because you are doing a diet plan it doesn’t mean that you can’t eat all dairy products. The key is choosing the right dairy products that stabilize your blood pressure. Low-fat or even fat-free dairy products are the best option for people with a high blood pressure. That’s why you can still eat low-fat or fat free frozen yogurt, cheese, milk, and other products. These products are not only containing less sodium but also the source of calcium, vitamin D, and protein. Consuming 1 cup of skim milk, low-fat yogurt, or 1.5 ounces skin cheese is okay to keep your mood and blood pressure stable. 

Consuming Less Lean Meat, Poultry, and Fish 
Fill the need of protein, vitamin B, iron, and zinc by eating meat, poultry, and fish, but reduce the portion. Eating less meat gives more room in your stomach for more vegetables and fruits that you need to control your blood pressure. You may serve 1 egg or 1 ounce of cooked meat, poultry, or fish. Make sure that you choose products that are healthy for your heart, such as salmon and tuna. This ingredient consists of omega-3 fatty acids that are good for your heart. 

Eating Healthy Snacks
Snacking is also allowed even if you are suffering from high blood pressure. The most important thing is that you choose healthy snacks, such as nuts, seeds, and legumes. You can start to keep almonds, sunflower seeds, kidney beans, peas, lentils, and others. These ingredients are a good source of magnesium, potassium, and protein. You still have to control the portion because it consists of calories. Let's say you can serve 1/3 cup of nuts, 2 tablespoons of seeds, and ½ cup cooked beans or peas. Mixing these ingredients with salads or cereals are also good ideas for a healthy snack. Tofu is a good alternative if you love to eat soybean-based snacks. 

Reducing Fats and Oil 
You don’t have to stop to consume fats or oils. You only have to reduce the portion while doing a diet plan for controlling high blood pressure. Experts suggest you consume less than 30% of daily calories fat. Make sure that you only eat monounsaturated fats. Consuming only 1 teaspoon soft margarine, 1 tablespoon mayonnaise, or 2 tablespoons salad dressing is enough to keep your blood pressure safe. Avoid trans fat because it increases blood pressure level significantly. Trans fats are often found in crackers, baked, and fried food. 

Controlling the Portion of Sweet 
It is the same case with fats, you are allowed to consume sweets while doing a diet plan for controlling blood pressure. All you have to do is control the portion of sweet. People with a high blood pressure can only consume 1 tablespoon sugar, jelly, or jam. Reduce eating sorbet into ½ cup a day if you love it. 
Now, you know that doing a diet plan for stabilizing blood pressure doesn’t mean that you have to stop all the things that you eat. Managing the portion and finding the healthier alternative is a successful secret to get a stable blood pressure.